Bottom cake is a 2 layer 16 inch square Basic Pound Cake w/ an eclair type filling (Vanilla Pudding w/ Cool Whip).
The top is the Wilton's Shamrock Cake pan. I made Devil's Food cake with Chocolate Chips.
Both cakes are iced with White Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting.
Not really happy with my icing, had a hard time "covering up" the Chocolate underneath. Everytime I try to smooth out the icing it reveals other spots. Not sure if it's just me or if it's the icing. I tend to notice that Cream Cheese has a tendency to have a "melting effect" and not really easy to work with. Guess I need more practice!! :D
Made the cake for a friend of a friend's wedding. I guess the Bride didn't want a traditional Wedding Cake and needed something to have the ceremonial cutting of the cake. So this is what we came up with.
We weighed the cake and it came out to 31 lbs. Yikes!! :D